Voxility Featured in Winning EU Cyber Research Project (December 2020)

2 min readMay 26, 2021


Bucharest will be the first host for the European Cybersecurity Competence Center. Voxility made a guest appearance in the video project that won the competition.

Bucharest wins the competition for the EU Cybersecurity Competence Center

According to the Council of the European Union , Bucharest was selected by representatives of the governments of the EU member states as the prospective seat of the new European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre.

The Cybersecurity Competence Centre aims to improve the coordination of research and innovation in cybersecurity in the EU. It will also be the EU’s main instrument for pooling investment in cybersecurity research, technology and industrial development.

Bucharest competed against six other cities: Brussels, León, Luxembourg, Munich, Warsaw, and Vilnius, and was chosen as the winner during a meeting of EU ambassadors late on December 9.

Voxility was invited to participate in the video project created for this competition. Given the vast experience gained in our 16 years experience in the IT industry we gave a detailed insight regarding the cybersecurity capabilities in Romania.

Virgil Truica, Voxility’s Business Development Manager, emphasized the evolution of cybersecurity in Romania: “Romania is now at the cutting edge of cybersecurity with multiple SOC deployed in different sectors. In the last 6 months, studies have shown that the DDoS attacks numbers have increased 500 hundred times, compared to the past years. The way I see it, Bucharest and Romania are well engraved in the cybersecurity map at the moment. With the abundance of projects and investments taking place in this space, the city will definitely become an even more important security operating center.”

Read Emerging Europe’s article to find out more information on how the Romanian IT sector will get a huge boost in the light of this accomplishment.

You can watch the video in full right HERE.




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